Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's My Birthday!

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About 24 years ago... happy as a clam 
28 years young, can you believe it? I definitely can't. In between my 'omg I'm nearly 30' freak-outs, I was able to actually enjoy my birthday. And in California for the first time in three years! Although I bitch about things a lot, like a lot of other people, I admittedly have a great life. The last year was full of ups and down, just like any other, but it turned out amazing and I'm excited for what 28 has to offer.

Just a few things I'm really looking forward to:
  • Graduating law school - I'm definitely ready for this experience to be over. 
  • Moving back to LA - I'll finally be able to resume my farmer's market Sunday tradition, permanently reunite with all the people I love, and get an adequate amount of vitamin D!
  • Getting a dog - My boyfriend and I are planning on getting a corgi (my favorite, duh) but we're keeping our hearts open to any pooch ready for adoption. I guess it also depends on what type/size our landlord will allow...details.
  • Starting my career - This one can be very scary and stressful and depressing at times, but the prospect of actually starting the career I've worked so long for is incredible.
  • Running my second half-marathon - I'm registered for the Big Sur Half-Marathon in September (I made sure to give myself enough time to train after taking the bar exam, bleh) and I'm stoked to reach this goal with such a beautiful backdrop.
And those are just the big things! The next few months are going to be a handful, to say the least, but those big picture items are enough to keep me going. 

And of course, Happy St. Patrick's Day! Bottoms up!
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1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, girl!

    P.S. A corgi is my dream dog, too. :)


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xo - Christine from The Lion's Den